Friday, August 28, 2009

this is MY summer!

So, today is my 10th to last day of summer... and I'm spending it watching Project Runway reruns? Wow. Now that's what i call a life, huh? I am so bored and frusterated! Today better turn into something... luckily dance starts on monday! Well, that's about all i have to say right now.

<3 Queen Of The 9th Grade

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm a little new to this.

Today, I am a blogger. I have just gotten back from seeing th movie Julie&Julia. This movie is about a women named Julie blogging about her attempts at completeing Julia Child's cookbook in one years' time. This will be my blog at my attempts of survving 9th grade one day at a time.

I'm entering the 9th grade on September 9th 2009. New school, new friends, new everything. I used to go to school and live with my dad. I have recently decided to move out to the country and live with my mom. I have two friend sout here. I met them when i was in fourth grade, and my mom had just moved out here. One of them goes to provate school, the other will be attending school with me. I sure hope i can fit into her group at school. So, keep checking up on me to learn about all of my failures, triuphs, and attempts at giving you insight to 9th grade.

Wish me luck!